Child abuse is uncomfortable to talk about. That’s why we have to talk about it.
- The more kids know and understand what is happening to them isn’t okay, the more kids come forward and tell a trusted adult.
- The more teens know and understand the signs they’re being groomed to eventually become a victim of abuse, sexual abuse, or worse, the more they come forward.
- Adults who can identify the signs of abuse and openly discuss its impact with their kids, students, athletes, church, or youth groups, the safer kids become.
As part of our mission to protect kids from all forms of abuse, neglect, and sexual assault CACSEI provides child abuse education training across southeast Indiana.
Abuse Education for the Community
This evidence-based training produced by Darkness to Light and taught by CACSEI helps adults understand, identify, and know how to react to child abuse. This program is evidence-based. Learn more and see how to request training.
Abuse Education for Schools
Produced by the Monique Burr Foundation for Children and taught by CACSEI staff, this program helps youth understand body boundaries. It’s evidence-based and age-appropriate for kids and teens. Learn more and see how to request training.
Prevention education helps kids who are abused get help from law enforcement
New research from the University of Evansville suggests abuse education may not significantly increase the number of children who come forward and disclose abuse. But those who do and have also taken part in abuse education are far more likely to be detailed and specific in their disclosures. This helps law enforcement and prosecutors in the course of an investigation, meaning more victims receive justice.
Contact Shannon Perry with questions
Shannon is the Director of Community Outreach at CACSEI. She has years of experience in the field of child abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect.